Welcome to GEOG 384 2024!

Principals of the Geospatial Web

This page will evolve along with the class as you learn new skills in Javascript and HTML. Right now it is super basic html, feel free to right click on the page and look at the "Page Source". That's a good indication of what basic html programming looks like!

Course lectures (10 / 24 lectures)

Javascript progress on playcode.io (47 / 107 chapters)

Class #1 - August 29th

Class #2 - September 3rd

  • geojson.io - sandbox tool for creating .geojson formatted geographic information
  • W3Schools - another tool for learning how to code
  • Playcode.io is where we will learn Javascript
    • Once you have signed up for playcode, you can find the "Basic Javascript" course outline in the link above.
    • Our first learning block will be lessons 1-8 which talk about Variables
  • Inclass Exercise:
    1. Right click on this website (or any website of your choosing)
    2. find the option that says something like "View Page Source" - this will vary depending on what browser you are using
    3. Open up the w3schools Basic Html Page
    4. Hit the "Try it yourself" button to open up the code editor
    5. Pase the source code of the page you copied into the left hand side and hit run
    6. Go to A Javascript exercise
    7. look for the < script > tags. Everything inside there is considered Javascript
    8. Try manipulating some javascript. Change up the numbers and mathematical operators
    9. Add another variable like 'a = ' and assign a number to that. Include 'a' in the algebraic operation

Class #3 - September 5th

  • first required reading:
    Keyhole, Google Earth, and 3D Worlds: An Interview with Avi Bar-Zeev
  • Learning about the console, here is a quick video that shows its capabilities. Don't worry about not understanding everything in there but for sure you will recognize parts of it!
  • Side note - if you want to embed a video on ur html page its super easy. Just choose 'embed' from the share options on YouTube and copy paste the < iframe > tag content right into your .html doc.
  • Please fill out the Skill check form to help us form groups.

Class #4 - September 10th

Making your first interactive map!

Class #5 - September 12th

  • Talking about Digital Earths
  • Practice with the server and Cyberduck

Class #6 - September 17th

  • next set of playcode.io chapters, expected completion Sept 24th:
    • MATH: chapter 9 - 24
    • STRINGS: chapter 25 - 37
  • try adding a favicon to your site using https://favicon.io/

Class #7 - September 19th

  • Intro to Scraping Unit

Class #8 - September 24th

Class #9 - September 26th

  • Assignment #1 presentations
  • Scraping lecture continues
  • Assignment #2 posted to discord by end of day
  • Playcode.io next chapters 39 - 48. Quiz upcoming

Class #10 - October 1st

Class #10 - October 3rd

  • Discussing the quality of Volunteered Geographic Information
  • Quiz Next Week!